Human Rights Forum Nepal (HURFON)
A website on human rights in Nepal by

HURFON (2024)
Time in Taksindu:

Human Rights Forum Nepal (HURFON) is a website presenting links to articles on Nepal's human rights issues as well as important background information. The link collection has been started in September 2016.

HURFON is a subsite of Nepal Research. Its name goes back to an organisation that had been founded in Germany in 1990 but that had to be dissolved some years later. Issues of the periodical of this earlier organisation that had been published under the name Nepal Forum have been archived on this website.

HURFON (current)

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Nepal Observer
(ISSN 2626-2924)
Sherwa mi

Nepal's peace process : Refrain from ‘political supremacy’ (rep 31/12/2024)

Three tiers of govt fail to implement NHRC directives for Raute community (rep 30/12/2024)

President Carter leaves an enduring legacy in Nepal’s journey from conflict to peace, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep 30/12/2024)

Quake victims in Salyan return to damaged houses : More than 500 families have gone back to their houses with cracks in three weeks, says Nim Bahadur KC, chair, Darma Rural Municipality, by Biplab Maharjan (kp 30/12/2024) [Do Oli, Dahal, Deuba and all the many political tourists in the earthquake region last year even have a conscience? All of their empty promises from back then have turned out to be brazen lies!]

Qualification for chairs of TJ commissions need to be revised : It is not possible to find a universally accepted character in such a fragmented society, where even conflict victims remain poles apart on several issues, interview with Vidyadhar Mallik (kp 30/12/2024)

Being environmental defenders: A risky job, indeed, by Simone Galimberti (ht 30/12/2024)

Māsinya: A History of Suppression and Resilience Among Nepal's Tamang Community : The term Māsinya finds its roots in the 1854 Muluki Ain (National Code) promulgated by the state of Nepal during the Rana regime, by Nabraj Lama (rep 28/12/2024)

Political faces suited to lead transitional justice bodies: Oli. PM roots for candidates who can deal with both domestic actors and international community to lead commissions, by Binod Ghimire (kp 29/12/2024) [Definitely not, Mr Oli! These should be independent people who have nothing to do with the potential perpetrator side. In particular, the victims' side must also be involved!]

Nepal’s Journey and Challenges in Protecting Human Rights, by Krishna Raman Adhikari (rep 27/12/2024)

Media matters : Elected leaders’ attack on the press highlights increasing threats to media freedoms in Nepal, by Shristi Karki (nt 27/12/2024)

Transitional Justice For Sustainable Peace, by Tara Dahal (rn 26/12/2024)

Recommendation committee can’t award merit in picking transitional justice office bearers, NHRC says : Commission member Manoj Duwadi, who was a member of a former recommendation committee that failed in its duty, argues the panel dominated by the representatives of political parties cannot make a right selection (kp 25/12/2024)

Debating the ‘Dalit’ word : Eliminating a word doesn't necessarily free the community from oppression, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 25/12/2024)

Constitutional Provisions and the Status of Dalits, by Sushil Darnal (rep 25/12/2024)

A juvenile’s take on juvenile injustice : We cannot sideline the welfare of young people while implementing our legal mechanisms, by Karuna Paneru (kp 25/12/2024)

Girls Get Equal: A push to prevent early, child, and forced marriages (ae 24/12/2024)

88 cases of human rights violation reported in a year in Siraha (rn 22/12/2024)

LGBTQIA+ people face challenges in accessing SRHR : Social stigma remains a major barrier to accessing healthcare, including their sexual and reproductive health rights, by Aarati Ray (kp 21/12/2024), Curtailed queer rights : These rights go beyond sexuality and identity and include all aspects of human rights (kp 25/12/2024)

An Opportunity to Rebuild Public Trust : After suspending the investigation for a long time, Nepal Police has taken a fresh initiative to find the culprits behind the murder of teenage girl Nirmala Panta, by Krishna Raman Adhikario (rep 20/12/2024

Calls grow for prompt transitional justice appointments : Global watchdogs have warned that another failure would call into question Nepal’s commitment to human rights by Binod Ghimire (kp 20/12/2024) [Another failure is the determination of politicians. Those potentially responsible will never voluntarily put themselves at risk of prosecution!]

NHRC legitimacy: 62 percent of complaints go unheard, by Dinesh Tripathi (kh 19/12/2024) [The lack of interest shown by the state and politicians in respecting human rights is staggering!]

Women victims struggle with cases of domestic violence stuck in courts : Corruption, inaction, and procedural hurdles delay verdicts’ implementation, by Ellie Davis (kp 19/12/2024)

Political discord delays formation of TRC despite bill’s certification (kh 18/12/2024), International rights groups express concerns over transitional justice commissions appointment process : Call for transparency, impartiality, and competence in selection process (kp 18/12/2024), Joint Letter to the Prime Minister and Government of Nepal: Appeal for Credible Appointments to the Transitional Justice Commissions (AI, HRW and ICJ 18/12/2024) [letter in Nepali and English], ‘Ensure transparent process in TJ appointments’ (ae 19/12/2024)

NHRC calls for protection and promotion of migrant workers’ rights (kh 18/12/2024)

Transitional justice delayed as selection panel misses deadline : The panel tasked with picking office bearers of the two transitional justice bodies could not agree on TRC chair, by Binod Ghimire (kp 17/12/2024) [The commissions must be independent and not under the control of the parties involved in the conflict!],

Women breaking barriers: New era of leadership in Nepal, by Sita Neupane (kh 17/12/2024)

Online violence against women in Nepali politics rising: Study : Social media of 12 prominent female politicians were monitored over three months (kp 16/12/2024)

Recommendation Committee urges govt to restart TJ body official selection process (rep 16/12/2024)

Government approves bill to regulate social media platforms : Free speech advocates say the bill gives administrative agencies unnecessary power to monitor online content, by Anil Giri (kp 15/12/2024), Wrong intent : The new bill on regulating online content seems to be aimed at controlling anti-government narratives (kp 16/12/2024)

Health authorities to screen prisoners for mental health conditions : It is estimated that 35 percent of around 30,000 jail inmates across the country have some form of mental health problems (kp 15/12/2024)

Victims demand transparency in transitional justice official nomination process : Conflict victims and civil society call for public hearings and clarity in selection criteria for commission officials (kp 12/12/2024)

Disability-based Discrimination Rampant in Nepal, by Dev Datta Joshi (rep 12/12/2024)

The district court family bench helping women, but procedural delays persist : There is broad agreement that Nepal needs a full family court with a specialised legal procedure for cases of domestic violence, property partition, alimony and family relations, by Ellie Davis (kp 12/12/2024)

Incidents of domestic violence unchecked in Achham : As many as 129 cases of domestic violence were registered at the police over the past 28 months. Many go unreported, by Menuka Dhungana (kp 11/12/2024), Beyond symbolic activism : For genuine change, the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence should engage rural people, by Bhawana Upadhyay (kp 11/12/2024)

Significant Gains Made In HR Sphere, by Namrata Sharma (rn 11/12/2024)

“Home Minister must be held accountable for police misconduct in Rabi Lamichhane case”, interview with Sushil Pyakurel (kh 11/12/2024), Rabi Lamichhane flown to Pokhara from Birgunj via Kathmandu (kh 11/12/2024)

Breaking Barriers : Nepal’s Journey Toward Equality and Justice, by Krishna Raman Adhikari (rep 10/12/2024)

Human Rights Day: Time to translate the mandates into action, by Jivesh Jha and Bishnu Chandra Nepali (ae 10/12/2024)

A yawning gender gap in foreign policy, by Binita Adhikari (ae 10/12/2024)

Commissioned to fail : The wrong picks for office-bearers of the two TJ bodies will result in flawed justice (kp 10/12/2024) [This has been the intention of the anti-democratic politicians right from the beginning, but Western countries did not understand this!], Build trust with conflict victims for effective TJ bodies (rep 10/12/2024)

Evidence-based measures necessary to end VAW (kh 09/12/2024)

RSP seeks rights body’s intervention in protecting Lamichhane’s human rights : The party accuses Oli government of misusing state apparatus to harass and defame party chief Rabi Lamichhane, who is being probed on cooperative funds misuse allegations (kp 09/12/2024)

A year on, Karnali students still study in quake-damaged classrooms : Official says reconstruction has just started after provincial government approved reconstruction guidelines last month, by Tripti Shahi (kp 08/12/2024) [Another case of denial of assistance by the government and administration!]

Child Marriage in Nepal: An Urgent Call for Change, by Aparajita Gautam (rep 08/12/2024), Child marriage and teenage pregnancy rampant in Baglung despite legal protections : In many cases, legal provisions intended to protect children from child marriage are instead being used to penalise the victims, by Prakash Baral (kp 09/12/2024)

Nepal’s transitional justice shortlist sparks controversy : 28 groups representing conflict victims allege political manipulation in nominations, by Binod Ghimire (kp 08/12/2024), TJ commissions at risk of falling victim to political power-sharing, by Bhasa Sharma (rep 08/12/2024)

40 individuals shortlisted for 10 posts in transitional justice bodies : The recommendation committee will ask the public for feedback on the names with a five-day deadline starting today, by Binod Ghimire (kp 07/12/2024) [The circles involved in the conflict, i.e. the representatives of the perpetrators, still do not want justice for the victims and punishment for the perpetrators.], Chair Dahal for conclusion of peace process based on consensus (kh) [A consensus among those responsible at that time can never bring justice for the victims and lasting peace!]

Ending Gender-Based Violence : Accusations of witchcraft and torture, social humiliation and stigmatization and discriminatory behavior on the grounds of gender are also forms of violence (rep 07/12/2024), Campaign in Kathmandu against gender-based violence : ‘Orange the Schools’ aims to instill values of equality in young minds (kp 07/12/2024)

Solidarity For Ending GBV, by Krishna Raman Adhikari (rn 06/12/2024), Fighting Violence Against Women, by Manjima Dhakal (rn 06/12/2024)

The Woes of Single Women and Senior Citizens (rep 05/12/2024)

Rights activists warn against partisan interest in transitional justice picks : Victims and rights defenders draw Sher Bahadur Deuba’s attention to Sudip Pathak’s possible nomination (kp 05/12/2024) [The political parties were responsible either on the part of the insurgents or on the part of the state when the crimes were committed. Neither side should have a say in the investigation if it is to lead to justice for the victims!], INSEC urges for competitive and quality selection of TRC office-bearers (rep 05/12/2024)

TRC Search Committee Mustn’t Fail, by Charan Prasai (rep 04/12/2024)

NHRC expresses concern over lack of disabled-friendly infrastructures (rn 04/12/2024)

International Day of Persons with Disabilities: Upholding rights of persons with disabilities : A robust mechanism is necessary for ensuring political representation of people living with disabilities in legislative bodies, by Jivesh Jha and Rajeev Ranjan (ae 03/12/2024)

100 years of child rights advocacy (ae 03/12/2024)